
The Player’s Compact in RPGs

In role-playing games (RPGs), the Player’s Compact is an unspoken agreement between the players and the Game Master (GM). It outlines the expectations and responsibilities of each party to ensure a mutually enjoyable gaming experience.

The Player’s Responsibilities:

Respect the GM’s authority: The GM is the final arbiter of the game rules and story. Players should respect their decisions, even if they disagree.

Be prepared: Players should come to each session prepared with their characters, materials, and a willingness to engage.

Contribute to the story: Players should actively participate in the game by roleplaying their characters, making decisions, and contributing to the plot.

Be respectful of other players: Players should treat each other with kindness and avoid disruptive behavior.

Respect the game world: Players should abide by the game rules and setting, and avoid actions that would break immersion.

The GM’s Responsibility to the Compact:

Provide a fair and engaging game: The GM should create a game that is challenging, rewarding, and fair to all players.

Listen to player input: The GM should be open to suggestions and feedback from players, while maintaining the integrity of the game.

Protect player agency: The GM should allow players to make meaningful choices and have control over their characters.

Foster a positive gaming environment: The GM should create a welcoming and inclusive environment where players feel comfortable expressing themselves.

Respect player boundaries: The GM should be sensitive to player preferences and avoid pushing uncomfortable themes or situations.

Benefits of the Player’s Compact:

Improved game experience: When both players and the GM adhere to the Compact, it creates a more enjoyable and cooperative gaming experience.

Trust and respect: The Compact fosters trust and respect between players and the GM, leading to a more positive gaming environment.

Shared ownership: When players feel invested in the game and have input, they develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for its success.

Consequences of Breaking the Compact:

Breaking the Player’s Compact can lead to negative consequences for the game, including:

Disruption: Disrespectful or disruptive behavior can ruin the game for others.

Frustration: Unfair or biased rulings can frustrate players and damage their trust in the GM.

Lack of engagement: Players who feel their agency is limited or their boundaries are violated may become disinterested in the game.


The Player’s Compact is an essential element of a successful RPG experience. By adhering to the responsibilities outlined in the Compact, both players and the GM can create a game that is enjoyable, respectful, and mutually rewarding. By respecting each other’s roles and boundaries, players and GMs can work together to craft a memorable and immersive gaming experience.

Hi, I’m Bo

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